Germicidal Lights: Can Help Reduce Germs and Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

July 29, 2015
women enjoying with dog

Allergy symptoms can really get annoying during spring, summer and fall. It seems like the hunt for relief is endless. A lot of contaminants can damage your indoor air quality, like mold, pet dander and bacteria. You can ease the allergy symptoms created by these contaminants with germicidal lights.

A lot of people haven’t heard of germicidal lights but they’re an awesome way to enhance the quality of the air in your house. The lights are incorporated within your HVAC system and prevents germs from multiplying by emitting ultraviolet (UV) light rays that destroy the cell walls of contaminants and keeps them from growing or multiplying. Even during the time when your system isn’t running, the lights are still destroying them.

Germicidal lights can also assist in making your heating and cooling system run more efficiently, in addition to improving your indoor air quality. Mold, pet dander and other microorganisms can accumulate in your system and this causes it to work harder than necessary. Clean air within your home keeps your family healthy, and your HVAC system healthy. It doesn’t get better than that.

Now that you’ve learned the indoor air quality benefits of having germicidal lights, ask your HVAC professional about them at your next air conditioner service appointment. Or, call Winters Heating and Cooling at 317-406-5382. We have many options to help you clean up your indoor air quality from air filtration and air purification to dehumidifiers. Our team will work with you to help determine what will help give you amazing indoor air quality and keep your home healthy and comfortable./products/humidifier-dehumidifier-systems/