graphic icon of a home half hot and half cold

How to Evenly Heat and Cool Your Home

A good heating and cooling system means your house will constantly be the perfect temperature, right? That’s not always the case. Even with the greatest HVAC system, you may discover that your space isn’t evenly heated or cooled—especially on the coldest and hottest Franklin & South Indy days. That’s because there’s several items that go into the equation. Your registers, how your family runs your HVAC and other operator preferences can influence the temperatures you feel throughout your house. The experts at Winters Heating and Cooling are here to share some things that you can adjust to more evenly heat and cool your home without requiring heating and cooling service.

Check for Closed, Blocked, or Dirty Registers

Check your rooms for blocked registers and air returns that are covered by furniture or curtains, or that have dirt and debris built up dust and dirt on them. Blocked registers can be the culprit for uneven heating and cooling. If a register is blocked, the air that has been heated or cooled will be redirected to other rooms leaving certain rooms at incorrect temperatures.

Make Sure You Have Enough Insulation

If your home doesn’t have sufficient insulation in the attic, you may be losing heated air during the winter and permitting hot outside air through the summer through the top of your home. A poorly or incorrectly insulated attic could result in major temperature differences on different levels of your home. Make sure you have adequate insulation and that it’s the correct kind of insulation for your home and the environment in Franklin & South Indy.

Keep Your HVAC’s Fan Running

Many households keep their HVAC fan set to “Auto” and believe this means the fan will only run when necessary. What actually happens is that the fan only runs when the heating or cooling kicks on. By leaving your fan in the “On” position, you can help keep the air circulating throughout your home at all times and, therefore, keep the temperature more steady throughout your house.

Check Your Home and Your Ducts for Leaks

When your air ducts have leaks or holes in them, they could spell trouble for your HVAC system. They’ll have to run harder to do their job, and some rooms might end up cooler or warmer than other parts of the house. The same is true for air leaks by windows and doors in certain rooms. Luckily, repairing most air leaks is is fairly easy.

Consider a Zoning System

Another thing you can do to fix how evenly your home is heated and cooled is have your existing HVAC system zoned. It’s certainly more of a long-term project and a larger investment than other approaches of heating and cooling your home evenly, but it gives you ultimate control. If you are interested in more information about zoning solutions for your home, Winters Heating and Cooling can assist.

If you have any more questions about evenly cooling or heating your home, call us at 317-406-5382. Or, if you think you may be in need of heating and cooling service, we can certainly walk you through our services.

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