How to Tell Your Heating and Cooling Service Provider What Sound Your System Is Making

May 4, 2017
man talking over a phone and writing notes

Your system has a set of sounds that it usually makes. Most times, they should fade into the background. If your system is making bizarre or disruptive sounds, you probably have to call in a certified technician for a service appointment.
Listen thoroughly to the sounds you’re hearing, shut off your system and call in experts like Winters Heating and Cooling. Your system could simply have a disconnected item inside. The noises could also be an sign that major repairs are necessary. If you know how to define the sounds your system is making, you can help your service specialist work out a solution.
Here are some common sounds that signify a need for heating and cooling service:

  • Repeated clicking—You can hear a clicking sound when your system turns on and off, if you listen well. This is routine. However, if you hear this sound repeatedly, you probably need a heating and cooling service appointment to check out if it’s a problem with the system’s relay or its electrical control.
  • Rattling, banging, clanking or thumping—Rattling usually means a loose component. Intense banging or thumping sounds could mean a piece of your system is altogether broken or disconnected.

Normal maintenance can prevent some of these noises from ever beginning. If you schedule maintenance appointments with Winters Heating and Cooling, we can find and repair potential problems before they can get worse. Give us a call at 317-406-5382 or use our convenient online scheduler to make your appointment.