Is It Time for Furnace Service or Replacement?

January 5, 2016

t’s not surprising that winter is a busy season for us as we take a high number of calls from people whose furnaces have broken down. Many times, the problem can be connected to a lack of regular furnace service and maintenance. To keep your furnace working well and warming your home, it’s imperative to have maintenance performed regularly. After maintenance, there are some symptoms you can look for that may reveal that it’s time to have your furnace serviced or replaced before you find yourself in the cold due to a breakdown.

Furnace Age

The usual lifespan of furnaces can vary on a variety of factors, but it’s a good idea to start furnace shopping now if your furnace is 15 years or older. It’s always good to have time to find the best furnace for your home instead of having to replace your furnace in an emergency situation.

Increased Gas or Electric Bills

If your utility bills are rising, but you haven’t increased usage, it’s most likely time for a furnace service appointment or possibly a replacement. As they age, furnaces lose efficiency. This happens more quickly to furnaces that haven’t been taken care of. While you may think a new furnace will be pricey, think of the money you’ll save over the long term on your utility bills.

More Frequent Furnace Repairs

Furnaces break down more often during the last two years of their lifespan. If you are feeling like you’re doing repair after repair, start watching how much you’re spending. Chances are a new system may be more cost-effective.

Strange Noises

Is your furnace making strange noises? Every so often, older furnaces start making strange noises when they need to be replaced. Also, be aware of your furnace is cycling on and off frequently or blowing cold air. These are definitely symptoms that it’s time to shop for a replacement.

A Dry or Dusty Home

If your home starts to feel drier or family members start struggling with allergy symptoms, an older furnace could be to blame. It may not filter air as well as it needs to, nor does it humidify the air. Other signs that your furnace isn’t filtering or humidifying air are splitting woodwork and static shocks.

If any of this sounds familiar, you may want to begin looking for a new furnace. Call Winters Heating and Cooling at 317-406-5382 and we can help you find the ideal system for your home.