Stay comfy and save some money at the same time as the weather warms up – what could be better? This time in-between seasons and in-between utilization of your furnace and air conditioner, you potentially haven’t flipped your cooling system on yet and could just be using ceiling fans to cool your home when essential. But did you know that running your fans with your air conditioner in the summer could in fact be more effective and also save you more money?

Here’s how you can use your ceiling fans and your air conditioner appropriately together:

Adjust Air Direction

Contingent on the season, ceiling fans have the possibility to run clockwise or counterclockwise. Air should be moving down during the warmer months to distribute more air down. To find out which way your fan is traveling, you can stand beneath the fan and see if you sense the breeze, and if not, alter the course of the fan’s movement. While ceiling fans don’t make cool air, they can make you feel cooler through the wind chill effect.

Raise Your Thermostat

The best way to drop costs this summer is by boosting your thermostat some degrees. With the help of your ceiling fan, you won’t even sense the greater thermostat temperature and your well-being shouldn’t be disturbed too much. For every degree you increase the temperature in your home, you’re permitting your air conditioner to work not as hard and feasibly saving yourself money.

Turn Off Your Fan When You’re Not Home

Everyone should think about their ceiling fans like their lights; when nobody is in the room, it’s better to turn them off. Operating fans in rooms without anyone in them limits the advantages of the wind chill and decreases energy in your home.

Here at Winters Heating and Cooling in Franklin & South Indy, we are all about certifying your comfort while saving you money from your pocket. We want you to make the perfect decisions for your home and know all the possibilities to make your summer as efficient and comfortable as possible. If you have any questions about running your fan and air conditioner together, give us a call at 317-406-5382 and talk with one of our air conditioner experts.